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ACC 2020: Radial-Artery or Saphenous-Vein Grafts in Coronary-Artery Bypass Surgery
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Radial artery graft in Coronary bypass surgery ,ten year patency.
Heart bypass surgery using the radial artery at Mount Sinai Beth Israel
Radial Artery Graft in Coronary Bypass Surgery
Radial artery as the second conduit
How Does Heart Bypass Surgery Work? ↪ 3D Medical Animation #Shorts #SaphenousVein
The radial artery First step towards multi arterial grafting
Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: RA to LIMA 'T' Graft
5.8 Manual of PCI - How to manipulate catheters to engage via radial access
Endovascular Radial Artery Harvesting
Can Radial Artery be Used as Conduit for CABG After Transradial Coronary Angiography?